SmartDoc 2015 Organizers

The competition is organized by a group of researchers from the L3i Laboratory, University of La Rochelle, France and the Computer Vision Center (CVC), Barcelona, Spain.

Jean-Christophe BURIE received his Ph.D. degree in Automatic Control Engineering and Industrial Data Processing from University of Lille, France, in 1995. He was a research fellow in the Department of Mechanical Engineering for Computer-Controlled Machinery, Osaka University, Japan from 1995 to 1997 in the framework of the Lavoisier Program of the French Foreign Office. He works at La Rochelle University since 1998. He is currently full Professor and deputy director of the L3i Lab. He has been involved in the European Project EUREKA- Prometheus and has actively contributed to the ANR projects: Navidomass and Alpage. His research interests include computer vision, color image processing, pattern recognition. His research topics concerns color document analysis indexing of Comics, characters recognition written on old palm leaves. Since 2011, he is co-leader of the e-bdtheque research program dedicated to the indexing of comics’ books.

Joseph CHAZALON received M.Sc. and engineer degrees in Computer Science from the Institut National des Sciences Appliquées (INSA) in Rennes (France) in 2008, then he joined the Intuidoc research team at the IRISA, Rennes, France, for a Ph.D under the supervision of J. Camillerapp and B. Coüasnon. His doctoral research focused on visual languages for document recognition, historical document processing and interactive document interpretation. In 2013, he joined the L3i laboratory at the University of La Rochelle, France, where he is now working as a post- doctoral researcher on mobile document image acquisition problems, under the supervision of J.-M. Ogier. His major research interests include visual languages, historical documents processing, document image acquisition and performance evaluation. He is a regular reviewer for DAS, ICDAR, ICFHR, ICPR, DRR and CIFED conferences. 

Mickael COUSTATY is currently a Post-doctoral researcher in the L3i laboratory, University of La Rochelle, France. He got a PhD in Computer Science at the University of La Rochelle, supervised by Prof. Jean-Marc Ogier in 2011 on the analysis of historical documents images in order to propose a new complex indexing process for CBIR. His research interests include Structural Pattern Recognition, Document Image Analysis, Camera -Based Document Analysis and Recognition, Graphics Recognition, Machine Learning, Computer Vision, Augmented Reality and Semantic analysis. He is actually leader of 3 research project dealing with historical document analysis and eTourism. Coustaty has authored more than 35 scientific publications including a book, 6 journal papers and conference papers. Coustaty is a regular reviewer for journals (IJDAR, MTAP, NNLS, SMC, ELCVIA) and conferences, he regularly serves on the program committees of many international scientific events (CIFED, GREC, ICDAR) and has actively participated in organizing several international conferences and workshops. 

Sébastien ESKENAZI graduated from ENSICA as an aeronautical engineer in 2009. After that he spent 6 months in Australia and started a career as a high school math teacher when he came back to France. He then made a career change and started a PhD at university of La Rochelle. During the beginning of his career he lead a student engineering team for CNES (the French space agency), he worked as a product management intern at DassaultSystèmes, he worked on the creation of a hotel business and he participated in the French presidential election of 2012. More recently he wrote an article on investment strategies for the future that has been published in the Rencontres économiques d’Aix en Provence. He won the Best Paper award at IDIPS for his poster presenting a new scheme for authenticating hybrid documents. He presented an article on OCR robustness at the International Workshop on Computational Forensics as part of ICPR 2014. He was featured in the IAPR newsletter of august 2014: “IAPR… The Next Generation”. His current areas of research are OCR analysis, color segmentation and synthetic images. 

Muhammad Muzzamil LUQMAN is currently a Postdoctoral researcher with Professor Jean-Marc Ogier at L3i Laboratory, University of La Rochelle (France). Luqman has a PhD in Computer Science from François Rabelais University of Tours (France) and Autonoma University of Barcelona (Spain). His PhD thesis was co-supervised by Professor Jean-Yves Ramel and Professor Josep Llados . He successfully defended his PhD thesis – titled “Fuzzy Multilevel Graph Embedding for Recognition, Indexing and Retrieval of Graphic Document Images” – with distinction “très honorable (magna cum laude)”, on Friday 2nd of March 2012 at François Rabelais University of Tours (France). Luqman participated in GEPR contest of ICPR 2010 and his method was ranked 3rd. His research interests include Structural Pattern Recognition, Document Image Analysis , Camera-Based Document Analysis and Recognition, Graphics Recognition, Machine Learning, Computer Vision, Augmented Reality and Biomimicry. Luqman has authored 19 scientific publications including a book, a journal paper and conference papers. Luqman is a regular reviewer for journals (PR, IJDAR, IJPRAI, IJCSAI), he regularly serves on the program committees of many international scientific events (ICDAR, DAS, CIFED, ICET) and has actively participated in organizing several international conferences and workshops. 

Maroua MEHRI is a Ph.D candidate at University of La Rochelle since November 2011. She received the engineering degree in applied computer engineering in 2009 and the two MSc. degrees in signal/image processing at University of Rennes 1-France, and in intelligent and communicating systems from the National Engineering School of Sousse (ENISo)-Tunisia, in 2011. From March to August 2011, she was at the research unit VisAGeS-IRISA/INRIA-INSERM U746 as an R&D trainee under the supervision of Dr. Pierre Jannin. Her mission consisted of the image registration and data analysis in deep brain stimulation (DBS). Her ongoing Ph.D work is supervised by Prof. Rémy Mullot, Dr. Pierre Héroux, and Dr. Petra Gomez Krämer, and funded by the DIGIDOC ANR-10-CORD-020 research project. Her doctoral research focuses on the extraction of meta-data related to «image» and «structure» of ancient documents to design a smart scanner.

Nibal NAYEF works currently as a post-doctoral researcher at Valconum and L3i Laboratory at the University of La Rochelle, France. She works on quality assessment and enhancement of mobile captured documents, information spotting and text / image segmentation. Nayef has a Ph.D. in computer science (2012) from the technical university of Kaiserslautern in Germany. She was a member of the IUPR laboratory (Image Understanding and Pattern Recognition) there, where she finished her PhD thesis entitled “Geometric-based symbol spotting and retrieval in technical line drawings”. Her research interests are: analysis and retrieval of line drawings and their associated evaluation protocols, statistical feature grouping, machine learning for vis ion, geometric matching and document image quality as s es s ment and enhancement. She is a regular reviewer in IJDAR journal and DAS, ICDAR, ICFHR, ICPR conferences . 

Jean-Marc OGIER received his PhD degree in computer science from the University of Rouen, France, in 1994. During this period (1991-1994), he worked on graphic recognition for Matra Ms&I Company. From 1994 to 2000, he was an associate professor at the University of Rennes 1 during a first period (1994-1998) and at the University of Rouen from 1998 to 2001. Now full professor at the University of La Rochelle, Professor Ogier is the head of University of La Rochelle Computer sciences laboratory which gathers more than 100 members and works mainly of Document Analysis and Content Management. Author of more than 160 publications / communications, he managed several French and European projects dealing with historical document analysis, either with public institutions, or with private companies. Between 2005 and 2013, Pr Ogier was a Deputy Director of the GDR I3 of the French National Research Centre (900 researchers depending on the French National Research Center CNRS). He is also Chair of the Technical Committee 10 (Graphic Recognition) of the International Association for Pattern Recognition (IAPR), and is the representative member of France at the governing board of the IAPR. Jean-Marc Ogier has been the general chair of the program chair of several international scientific events dealing with document analysis (DAS, ICDAR, GREC, …) At last he is also Vice rector of the university of La Rochelle.

Sophea PRUM (Ph.D) is a Post.Doc at Laboratory of Information, Image and Interaction (L3i), University of La Rochelle. She received her engineering degree in 2008 in computer science from Institute of Technology of Cambodia (ITC), Master degree in 2009 in Ingénierie des Contenus Numériques  (ICONE)  from  University  of  La  Rochelle  and  Ph.D  degree  in  2013  on  “on-line handwritten words recognition system”. From 2012-2014, she worked as assistant lecturer at Institut  Universitaire  de  Technologie  de  La  Rochelle.  Her  research  interests  are  “handwriting recognition” and “document image analysis”. She is a reviewer for Pattern Recognition Letters. 

Marçal RUSINOL received his B.Sc. and his M.Sc. degrees in Computer Sciences from the Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona (UAB), Barcelona, Spain, in 2004 and 2006, respectively. In 2004 he joined the Computer Vision Center where he obtained the Ph.D. degree under the supervision of Dr. Josep Llados in 2009. He is now a Marie-Curie research fellow in the Computer Vision Center and the L3i Lab in the Université de La Rochelle, France. His publication [11] on performance evaluation of symbol spotting systems is one of his most cited works, and the FPLAN-POLY architectural document dataset for symbol spotting he built has become a classical benchmark collection for symbol spotting. He is an active member of the document analysis community. He helped organizing ICDAR2009 in Barcelona; he organized an ICDAR2011 tutorial on administrative documents and an ICFHR2012 tutorial on word spotting. He also participated in the ICDAR2013 Doctoral Consortium as one of the mentors.